About Finance
City Treasurer
The office of the City Treasurer provides financial management, oversight and reporting. This department is comprised of the following divisions: Accounting and Payroll.
The City Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer make up the Accounting Division. This division is responsible for collecting and reporting revenues, preparing and monitoring City budgets and investing the City’s funds. This division also monitors and reconciles the City bank accounts, debt service payments and completes the end-of-month and end-of-year financial process.
The treasurer and deputy treasurer account for governmental funds, which include General Fund, Restricted Sales Tax Fund, Debt Service Funds, and Special Revenue Funds. The City also accounts for Enterprise Funds, such as the Public Works Authority, Airport, Hotel/Motel Operating Fund and Stafford Air and Space Museum Fund. The division is also responsible for coordinating purchases with each department and the preparation of claims for City Commission approval.