New Membership Application Business InformationBusiness Organization:Mailing Address: Street Address Address Line 2 City State ZIP / Postal Code Phone:Cell Phone:Social Media Sites:Business Website:Please Provide a brief description of your business:Chamber Bucks We will accept Chamber Bucks! Joining the Weatherford Chamber is a one-year commitmentPrimary Representative listed as the main contactPrimary Contact Name:Primary Contact Title:Primary Contact Email: Secondary Representative - Will also receive Chamber CommunicationSecondary Contact Name:Secondary Contact Title:Secondary Contact Email: Membership LevelsSelect Membership Level Platinum - $1,150 Gold - $625 Silver - $350 Non-Profi t - $200 Individual - $200 Stores Without Doors - $200 Retired Patron - $50 Payment Options Check (payable to Weatherford Chamber of Commerce) Mastercard/VISA/American Express/Discover SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Consent I understand that by providing my mailing address, email address, telephone number I consent to receive communications sent by, or on behalf of the Weatherford Chamber of Commerce (and its subsidiaries and/or affiliates) via regular mail, email, or telephone.