Open records request

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All records of public bodies and public officials are open to any person for inspection, copying, or mechanical reproduction during regular business hours. The Open Records Act does not apply to records specifically required by law to be kept confidential. The public bodies will provide prompt, reasonable access to its records but may establish reasonable procedures to protect the integrity of its records and to prevent excessive disruption to its essential functions.

The official custodian of City of Weatherford records shall be the Weatherford City Clerk, the Deputy City Clerk or such City Officer as the Mayor shall designate. RES. NO. 2013-09

To submit an open records request please fill out the information below. Your request will be reviewed and you will be contacted with further details on how to collect the materials requested.

Street Address*
Max. file size: 64 MB.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to the City Clerk 580-774-4578 or email If you are needing any Police Department Record Request, you can email


The Oklahoma Open Records Act provides any public body may establish fees under this Act and has been established by City Resolution No. 2013-09. These charges are set at a level to compensate the city of the actual costs incurred in honoring your request. The fee schedule established by the city is posted at City Hall.

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