About Utilities
Customer Service contact information:
City of Weatherford
522 W Rainey
Weatherford, Oklahoma
Day (580)-772-7451
Fax (580)-772-7466
Nikoma Earley – nikoma@cityofweatherford.com
Heather Sherman – hsherman@cityofweatherford.com
Andrea Smith – andrea@cityofweatherford.com
Water Office Hours: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday thru Thursday
7:30 AM – 11:30 AM Friday

Establishing New Water/Transferring Services
All New Service/Transfers must be performed in person at the water office. If you are the primary owner of the account you must be present to sign the contract. You will need to bring in a Picture ID, a $20.00 service fee, and a $150.00 Deposit. We will waive the deposit if you sign up for bank draft. If you choose to sign up for bank draft, you will need to bring in a check from the account you would like to use. Currently we are unable to use a Credit Card or debit card to setup your bank draft information. We do offer same day service; however, any new service requested after 4:30p.m. will be completed the next business day. We accept new service request Monday-Friday from 8:00a.m.- 4:30p.m.
Returned Checks
Each Customer is allowed only 2 returns. After the customer has 2 returned checks within a 6 month timeframe their account will be flagged and no checks may be used to make payments on their account and will be subject to pay their account by cash, money order, or debit/credit card only.
Trash Pick-up
The City of Weatherford offers twice a week dumpster pick up service for residential areas and multiple pick ups for commercial use. If you have any questions regarding your dumpster, what days your garbage is picked up, or if you have any items that will not fit into the dumpsters such as tree limbs or furniture, you may call our street department at 580-772-3892 for further assistance.
Credit/Debit Cards
The City of Weatherford is currently unable to accept credit/debit card payments over the phone; however, the City of Weatherford is able to accept any Visa or Mastercard credit/debit card for payment on a customer’s water account if the card and customers are present in the water office only.
Returned Bank Drafts
Each Customer is allowed only 2 returns. After the customer has 2 returned bank drafts within a 6 month timeframe their account will be flagged and no longer able to be drafted from any bank account. The customer will then be responsible for paying a $150.00 deposit and will be subject to pay their account by cash, money order, or debit/credit card only.
Holiday Trash Pick-up
Trash services will remain the same for commercial businesses but trash will not be picked up for residential areas on the days state holidays fall on.
Garage Sale Permits
Garage sale permits are available through the water office. You are allowed to have one garage sale every 6 months. Garage sale permits are $5.00 per a family and are good for 2 consecutive days. You may come in to the water office or go through the drive through to purchase your garage sale permit Monday –Friday 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Thank You!